
Drawing - HeelsReiss - Josh - Eugenie
Reiss - Semra - Maya
(Josh Shirt | Eugenie Dress | Semra Dress | Maya Jacket)

It's two more days until my birthday. Two! Normally I'd be ecstatic about this but I feel like I'm 24 turning 30. I keep thinking about where I see myself in the next few years and I think the fact that I'm not sure is what is keeping me up at night. When in muddled thoughts, I say go window shopping. I discovered Reiss when I was living in New York and went shopping with my fashionable mentor, Dream Sequins. (Check out her blog if you're dying for awesome designer profiles and shoes.) I recall stepping in and thinking, "Gawd, this store is beautiful." I couldn't buy anything at the time but I never forgot about it. I made a mental note that if I was ever searching for something special, I'd go here...and I did. Sort of. I went to the online store and ordered a pair of what I've been calling my birthday heels.

Since then, I've been on and off the site and discovered beautiful artwork by a guest illustrator named Alessia on the Reiss blog. I was curious to see more photos and went onto her blog, The Red Dot. I think it's so cool and inspiring because she's a scientist! Talk about science and art coming together. I'm a huge fan of the first picture of heels. It'd be perfect framed :)

Completely off anyone else addicted to Cadbury Mini Eggs? I just discovered them and now have a bag next to my table. I'm going to be sad when Easter is over and they're off shelves. I should stock up...

Happy First Week of Spring!
*Images via Reiss + The Red Dot


  1. you are allowed the unknown and it will happen throughout life. take a deep breathe and breath and let it take you where you need to be. things happen for a reason (with hard work and dedication)

  2. Gorgeous artwork. Happy early birthday (I just turned 22 and am freaking out...).

    <3 Melissa

  3. Wow, wonderful sketches here! (: Great post.



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